Loaded Lux On Kendrick Verse: “He Got Busy” [Video]

Loaded Lux addressed Kendrick Lamar’s “Control Verse” that shook up the Hip-Hop culture during this clip from his interview with Battle Rap journalist Michael Hughes. He feels as though what Kendrick did was inspiring for everyone to create new unique ways to elevate or “heighten” their senses and abilities within the Hip-Hop culture. Lux believes that people need “shock value” in order to grow and inspire each other. Bonus: ASAP Ferg speaks on Kendrick Lamar’s “Control” verse with The L.A. Leakers below.

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Loaded Lux To Eminem: “If He’s Willing, I’m Here” [Video]

Loaded Lux’s second interview with DJ Vlad and Battle Rap journalist Michael Hughes, continued with Lux naming his Top 5 face-to-face battles of all time. While Lux began dishing out his five most memorable or influential battles starting with Busy Bee vs Kool Moe D, Lux found himself respectfully calling out Eminem to battle. Given that Eminem is known for his freestyle ability and background as a battle rapper, this would be probably the most epic clash to ever take place in modern Battle Rap history, for Lux is regarded as the top lyricist in Battle Rap currently. If they ever battled, who do you think would win? Also, what do you think of Lux’s Top 5 Battles list?

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Loaded Lux On His Potential: “Just Watch Me Work” [Video]

Loaded Lux spoke with Battle Rap journalist Michael Hughes in this exclusive VladTV interview, about the potential that female battlers have when battling men, along with his own potential and whether or not he’s reached his peak. Lux is impressed with many of the QOTR battlers, and thinks that more male vs female battles would be interesting. He also addressed the topic of his own potential and whether or not his performance vs Calicoe can be matched or surpassed in the future. Previously: Loaded Lux & Math Hoffa – Vlad TV Freestyle [Video]

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