Raz Simone – Trap Spirituals [EP]

Raz Simone continues to explore the trap sound with an intriguing level of depth and nuance. Today, he has released his long-awaited EP, Trap Spirituals, the title of which is a fitting description of the 8 tracks contained in the new project. For a few years now, Simone has been rapping, producing, and promoting his music through his own independent label, Black Umbrella. He’s now signed a deal with 300 Entertainment, which should bring some added, and deserved, exposure to the Seattle artist. Trap Spirituals includes a few tracks Simone has dropped over the past year, including his latest single, “Gangstuh Shit,” on which he owns up to — and even celebrates — his love for criminal behavior. The rest of the project finds Simone grappling with the dark side of where he comes from, knowing it has latched onto his persona in a permanent way. Like the EP’s title, the instrumentals are a blend of trappy drums and bass with organs, strings, and vocal samples that create a holy (and also haunting) churchlike ambiance. Simone is able to take command over the cinematic production using his natural vocal talents. Whether he’s singing or rapping, his words always resonate with layers of pain and raw emotion. Download the EP, and let us know what you think of Raz Simone. Raz Simone – Trap Spirituals

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Rome Fortune – Love [Audio]

In the most cosmic sense of the word, Rome Fortune is Atlanta’s newest star. Green-bearded and crop-topped, 6’5” in cowboy boots, he takes the stage like an eclipse and flips straighforward bars into lunar poetry. But even with such otherworldly swagger, Rome’s music connects with fans because of how powerfully (and sometimes painfully) human it really is. Jerome Raheem Fortune (out 2/26 on Fool’s Gold) is the true story of this man who fell to earth. Rome’s Beautiful Pimp mixtapes (“rap as motivational speaking, generous and all-inclusive” – Pitchfork) and collaborations with everyone from turn-up trailblazers OG Maco and ILoveMakonnen to Four Tet and Toro Y Moi were merely the prelude to JRF’s nakedly honest storytelling. Over loose, dreamlike tracks from longtime collaborator Cubby, Rome gets extra real about his struggles: his parents, his children, and their mothers… his dreams, his demons, and the drugs that may be fueling both. Even Kaytranada produced single “Dance” is an outlier, an uptempo song about escape rather than elation. Yet nothing on Jerome Raheem Fortune is a drag; over the course of 11 potent tracks, Rome Fortune presents hip hop catharsis at its most compelling. Head towards the outer limits of rap with a guide who is intimately familiar.

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Jon Connor feat. Keke Palmer – Fresh Water For Flint [Audio]

“For me & the residents of my city, the Flint “crisis” didn’t start with poison water,” says Connor. “The lead in our water is another obstacle in a long list of hurdles we as Flint natives have been forced to try and overcome. We are resilient by nature & have always maintained pride in our city no matter how difficult things get. But this is something we nor any AMERICAN city should ever have to endure. For a moment imagine all of the things you wouldn’t be able to do if the water in your city was poisoned. Even worse think about what you would feel if people were actually dying because of it. “I want to thank all of the entertainers who are helping my city through donations,” Connor continues, “but it should be understood that this is a long term issue. It is going to take years to fix the water system & in some cases, and lead poisoning is irreversible. This isn’t a ‘for the moment issue.’ Flint will need awareness, prayers and help to rebuild for years to come. Before I was Jon Connor the artist I was Jon Freeman from Flint, Michigan. Flint, I love you. Flint Lives Matter.” – Jon Connor

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