Danny Matos – The Hangar [EP]


n a time when New York’s lyrical dynasty has become a ghost of its former self, Danny Matos is here to prove that the East Coast still has something to say. Although he’s still fresh on the scene, his dream has been in the works for over a decade, some of which has been spent as a spoken word poet. Given his knack for lyricism, it’s no surprise that Matos has roots in poetry. In the past few years alone, he’s taken home awards for his pen game across NYC. However, he doesn’t rely on his background to influence his delivery. Instead, Matos flows on the mic like he’s been rapping for years. And that’s apparent throughout ‘The Hangar EP,’ which finds Matos showcasing both his talents and his personal growth. “I’m being open and holding a mirror to myself with this project,” says the New York City artist.“ In keeping with that theme, Matos made a conscious decision to keep the tracklist void of any features. Besides a brief hook on “F*ck My Head Up,” which explores relationships from a lovelorn perspective, ‘The Hangar EP’ is 100% Matos. The seven-track effort is produced entirely by Rusty Mack, with additional instrumentation provided by the Red Walrus (both affiliates of Harry Fraud’s Surf School label). Matos explains that they all spent “every Sunday for almost a year” together to craft the project. “I was right there with them as they produced each track,” he adds. Their musical relationship shines through immediately on energetic opener “New Genre,” a bass-heavy cut in which Matos rips into Hip-Hop (and music in general) with the viewpoint that, today, “being honest” deserves its own genre. ‘The Hangar EP’ encapsulates many of Danny’s more pivotal life experiences, without sparing any of the emotional aftermath. “I want the listener to see the underlying themes of someone who is vulnerable from the beginning,” he says. “I don’t want to hide it first and tell you later.” He stays true to his word on highlights such as “Let Go,” where he offers a glimpse into his struggles with self-awareness and attachment, and “F*ck My Head Up,” which explores relationships through a lovelorn perspective. Elsewhere, Matos returns to his roots on “Mixed Priorities (Hearsay),” a cut that acts as a hybrid that connects Matos’ fluid, unrestricted poetry with a focused series of bars. Hangar’s final two tracks “Here Now” and the intense closer, “On Fire,” further prove that Danny has no plans on stopping soon. Make sure you follow Danny Matos before he comes commonplace in New York’s Hip-Hop scene. ‘The Hangar EP’ is now available through all major digital retailers, and wherever music can be streamed.

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