
Prie – In The Midst Of It All [Stream x Download]


“In The Midst Of It All” is produced by Maedic and will land on Prie’s upcoming project, “Please Pray”.

Bonus: Prie – Bad Days [Video]

“this is a video dedicated to everyone around the world that is currently battling dealing with suicide and depression. we are all something special never let anyone or anything tell you otherwise never indulge into the negative emotions the we tend to conjure up in our thoughts due to social media platforms and reality tv shows being the thing now people are always “People Watching” rather than actually going out and living out their own life sharing moments with the people who love them. i know this is video ain’t high quality as my last videos due to the lack of funds so me and a good friend Shamir Hook decided one day to shoot a visual for my song “Bad Days” produced by Mr Carmack to raise awareness to people all over the world who feel these types of emotions but have no one to reach out to. i hope this video inspires you to never give up on yourself or your dreams no matter what. one love!”

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