FunLyfe – Don’t Play [Stream x Download]

FunLyfe stands for Fun Universal Nature Living Young For Ever. They’re a collective of like-minded individuals hailing from Newark, NJ. Lead member RollingStone P explains “In a city dominated by drugs, gangs, and gun violence, tough skin usually isn’t enough to keep young men and women from falling victim to the everyday pitfalls of the inner city. However for Funlyfe members, this culture represents the other side of what our city offers. No one is too cool to have fun is our motto!” The culture is what drives the music you hear from FunLyfe members. “Our approach to music is always to have fun. As long as we are having fun that is all that matters” says FunLyfe member Bobo. It is evident that music is not the only thing that consumes FunLyfe. FunLyfe is truly a lifestyle. It consists the nightlife scene, FunLyfe clothing line, skaters, DJ’s, artists, etc. FunLyfe member Aljuwon explains “Our Funlyfe members consist of anyone who chooses to have fun and not limited to just music. In the end, having fun is a choice. Glory to God!”

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