Milo – who told you to think??!!?!?!?! [Album Stream]
Milo drops off his new album, “who told you to think??!!?!?!?!”.
“who told you to think??!!?!?!?!” is about boundaries and permissions. the artist creating their own license to ill. What it means to answer a call that never comes. The process of flaw turned idiosyncrasy turned style. That old transmutation spell, the happening as one perfects tricks and in turn masters magic. To set the elenchus upon itself, to begin a poet and end a rapper agency that is what makes the rapper an exceptional artist, beyond a poet. In years gone rappers once focused on getting free “who told you to think??!!?!?!?!” is a return to form. We were properly blessed by paula puiupo who created the visual component of the record. The album was recorded at Kenny Segal’s crib like all great rap albums. It was mixed and mastered entirely by Daddy Kev at Cosmic Zoo Studios like all great albums. The album was recorded entirely in under 24 hours. Some songs are two years old, some songs were written in that final recording session, all were performed entirely in one take and many were finished on the first pass. The vocal rig Kenny and I dreamed up allowed me to fiddle with effects on my vocal in real time and my voice became instrument. This is how i usually perform live. We thought it would it contribute to creating a feeling of “being there” as place informs so much of rap and too often one hears that common, lamentable refrain “you had to be there.” It is our sincere hope you feel present while listening to this album. – RF
Take a listen below and make sure to pick up a copy on Bandcamp.