WebsterX – Daymares [Album Stream]

WebsterX hits us with his new album, “Daymares”. “Daymares is an accumulation of my life from years 2013-2017, the whole road of this WebsterX thing,” he said to FADER. “A rollercoaster of ups and downs that got me to this point, the insane experiences I’ve been able to be a part of with my friends by pursuing art, and my rise in my home city of Milwaukee, WI and beyond.” Take a listen below and cop a copy via iTunes.

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Rick Ross Visits Torae On #TheTorGuide [Video]

Upon dropping his 9th album “Rather You Than Me” Ricky Rozay stops by Hip-Hop Nation on SiriusXM to chop it up with The Tor Guide Torae. He talks about what it takes to stay relevant & consistent in the music business, the difference between recording a mixtape vs an album, gives his opinion on the Nicki Minaj/Remy Ma situation & much more. After the jump, Rick Ross explains why he warned Meek Mill about Nicki Minaj.

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