Rhythm Roulette w/ DJ Dahi [Video]

The slap of Kendrick Lamar’s “Money Trees” is one of the most recognizable and groove-inducing beats of the modern era, and it’s all thanks to DJ Dahi behind the boards. We caught up with the auteur behind some of the dopest west coast production in hip hop today, and sent him off to a record store to play this week’s edition of Rhythm Roulette. With his picks of Torche’s Healer/Across the Shields, Lights’ Little Machines, and Neil Young’s Hawks & Doves, Dahi is able to stitch together doom metal, pop, and Neil’s classic rock into a really unique sounding composition that’s still got a hip hop bounce. Using snippets of Young’s vocals he creates an ambient, looped background, and even breaks out the harmonica to jam out — we’ll bend the record sampling rules slightly in this case. Check out Dahi’s flip above.

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